
本文更新于2020年3月27日. 本文将在获得新信息时进行更新.

冠状病毒的援助, 救援, 以及经济安全“关怀”法案 – 概述 of the KEEPING AMERICAN WORKERS PAID AND EMPLOYED ACT also known as the Small Business Administration Business 贷款 Program

Schneider Downs continues to track the evolving landscape of financial programs offered due to the disruption of the coronavirus (“COVID-19”). Schneider Downs can assist with understanding the many facets of the 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, 以及经济安全“关怀”法案.


作为《bet9平台游戏》的一部分 小企业管理局商业贷款计划帐户, CARES Act” provides $350B of funding of guaranteed loans to small businesses.  该帐户的贷款将通过SBA的7(a)计划发放.  7(a)项目是私人金融公司之间的合作项目, 他们发放贷款, 和小企业管理局, 这保证了他们. 

迅速为小企业提供新资金, 该法案扩大了能够提供贷款的金融公司的数量, with the Treasury Department establishing criteria for existing and potential lenders to participate in the program.  吸引更多的贷款人,提供更多的贷款, 该法案在9月30日之前将小企业管理局的贷款担保提高到100%, 2021.


在2月15日期间, 2020年,6月30日结束, 2020, 任何商业问题, 私人非营利组织, or public nonprofit organization that employs not more than 500 employees per physical location, 或独资经营者, independent contractor  or self-employed individual that is adversely impacted by COVID–19 shall be eligible to receive a loan made under section 7(a) of the Small Business Act. 

There are exceptions to the bill regarding size of company that we are cur租金ly seeking clarity through the SBA.  在撰写本文时,SBA目前无法提供该法案的细节.    

The maximum loan amount guaranteed under this program shall be the lesser of 2.5 times the average total monthly payments by the applicant for payroll costs incurred during the 1-year period before the date on which the loan is made, 除了, 如果申请人是季节性雇主, 由署长决定, the average total monthly payments for payroll shall be for the 12-week period beginning February 15, 2019, 或由符合资格的受赠人选出, 3月1日, 2019, 6月30日结束, 2019年或1000万美元. 

Lenders negotiates terms of the loan with the borrowing business, with a cap interest rate of 4%.  该计划还免除了贷款人和借款人的交易费用.


贷款所得款项可用于支付工资, 包括:带薪病假, 医疗, 或者探亲假, costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during those periods of leave; employee salaries; mortgage payments; 租金 (including 租金 under a lease agreement); utilities; and any other debt obligations that were incurred before the covered period.


The CARES Act requires lenders under the 7(a) program to provide complete payment deferment relief for impacted borrowers that were in business as of February 15, 2020年,期限不少于6个月, 包括支付本金, 利息和费用, 而且不能超过一年.


A loan recipient may be eligible for loan forgiveness on a covered 7(a) loan in an amount equal to the cost of maintaining payroll, 某些债务的利息, 租金, 在贷款开始后的8周内支付水电费.  免除的数额将被贷款人视为取消债务.




撰写本文时, the process of how to apply for the loans and when disbursements could be made are in development.  The cur租金 plan is to have the process for the program finalized with five days of the bill passing.


根据新的关怀法案, the SBA 7(b) 2 program will be extended eligibility to businesses with no more than 500 employees, 任何独资企业, 独立承包商或员工持股计划.  自1月31日起的任何7(b) 2贷款, 2020年,12月31日结束, 2020 shall waive personal guarantee on advances and loans of not more than $200,000.


The 7(b) 2 Loan Emergency Grant program provides $10B of funding to businesses that have applied for a 7(b) 2 loan and requests and advance on the loan of upto $10k intended to be used for payroll to retain employees during business disruption, 租金 or mortgage payments and repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses.  An applicant shall not be required to repay any amounts of an advance provided under this subsection, 即使其后根据第7(b)条拒绝贷款.


其他7(a)贷款不包括在薪水保护计划, 比如社区优势试点项目, 是否有资格申请6个月的本金补贴, 小企业管理局的利息和费用.


The CARE Act SBA 7(A) program is in addition to the SBA Disaster 救援 program announced earlier this month.  Details regarding the SBA Disaster 救援 program can be found at the following link:


For specific details on your businesses eligibility to funds provided to the CARE ACT SBA 7(A) program, 请联系当地小企业管理局的银行家.

请访问我们的冠状病毒资源页面 domestictunerz.com/our-thoughts-on/category/冠状病毒。 浏览相关内容.


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Understanding 冠状病毒。 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 审计 and Reporting Requirements
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