Trouble at the Top – Is a Dysfunctional 管理 Team Holding Your Company Back?

大多数商业失败, 无论是定义为不一致或持平的收益, 财务管理不善, 表现不佳的团队, 等.,可以追溯到一个功能失调的管理团队. 而高层的麻烦通常会影响并感染整个企业.


根据我的经验, management problems are most commonly realized at the point where a business moves from the infancy to maturity stage within the mid-sized enterprise tier – and hopes for continued growth.

一家公司的发展很快就会超出运营它的个人的能力, 如果这些人从公司成立之初就在公司工作, replacing them with more experienced and skilled individuals can be difficult emotionally and possibly, 经济和法律上, 太. 

So, what are the definitive signs of dysfunctional senior executives (even of a CEO)? 以及如何避免高层发生冲突或表现不佳?


而许多有能力、有抱负的中层管理人员渴望进入高管层, 独特的技能组合, experience and temperament needed to succeed at this level means failure is more likely than success.

真正的领导需要管理团队bet9平台游戏于第一线的人. 这就要求高管成为倾听的领导者. 他们必须同样擅长合作、沟通和授权.   

Aloof senior managers who issue directives from afar aren’t visible enough to their subordinates to lead effectively.  对于ceo来说尤其如此. 优秀的领导者总是把自己放在员工面前. 不管公司有多大, 如果员工不认识CEO的脸, 的声音, 幽默感, 以及公司的整体愿景, 他们不会真正感受到游戏的成功.  

Similarly, senior leaders must know how to delegate and trust the employees who work for them. Leaders who can’t delegate restrict the ability of their divisions to expand in capacity and performance by not developing their teams’ capabilities.  Failure to delegate undermines and demoralizes staff, which often leads to high levels of turnover.  

Education doesn’t necessarily mean the candidate possesses the “hard skills” needed for an executive job. A C-suite-ready executive also requires the often-forgotten “soft skills” that can lead a whole team to success. 这些软技能包括自我意识, which can be indicative of a willingness to learn and evolve – a crucial requirement in a good senior manager. Good senior executives will be constantly identifying their own skills gaps and working/training to bridge them. 他们也有能力设定个人目标和挑战.  

在“经验和技能”的标题下,要求高层管理人员, 你还应该包括在你的行业中有知名度和参与度. 高层管理人员和首席执行官应该参与到组织之外, 拥有深厚的行业网络和供应商关系, 竞争对手, 以及监管机构和主题专家. 


不正常的习惯不是一夜之间出现的, 但更多的时候, 他们造成的问题会慢慢升级. 高级经理不称职的迹象包括:

  • 缺乏远见:没有视力, 战略和可衡量的目标, 你实际上是让盲人给盲人带路. 高级管理人员应该能够清晰地表达鼓舞人心的团队目标, 可实现并与企业的整体战略计划相一致. 
  • 未能达到目标: If a senior executive doesn’t come to the company with a proven record of success or doesn’t develop a consistent one as they move up the ladder, 那么我们就可以很有把握地认为,他们晋升得太高了. 
  • 下属离职率高如果你看到一个高级经理的下属在不断变化, this may be a sign that they do not inspire loyalty by being an encouraging mentor and team captain. 
  • 缺乏沟通倾听的能力, 仲裁, 激励和阐明问题和解决方案的每一个利益相关者, down and outside the chain of command is a hallmark and indispensable quality of a strong leader.  
  • 缺乏自我意识(又名“傲慢”): This quality presents itself among those who refuse to take the blame for any mistakes but always take full credit for successes. 它是自信的对立面,而自信是领导力的必要属性. 
  • 客户发生有效的领导者总是时刻关注着形势, 在危机发生前对市场进行评估并积极应对. They create a culture of care throughout their divisions that is reflected in customer service and in employee relations.

可训练的对. Non-Coachable功能障碍

对于有价值的高级管理人员来说,门槛很高, 但未能满足所有标准并不一定会导致解雇. 有些缺点可以通过指导来纠正. The CEO will need to make a value judgment on the executive in question to determine whether the “juice is worth the squeeze.”

最后,你可以指导技巧. 你可以指导某些行为模式——人们如何处理冲突, 例如, 或者他们如何激励团队. 但教练也有其局限性, 它必须伴随着基准, 目标设定和彻底的评估过程.

另一方面,有些事情是不能通过指导来改善的. 你无法指导性格、正直或基本的智力. 你不可能给人格特征带来根本的改变, 像傲慢, 胆怯或懒惰. 

如果一位高管是“恐龙”,” someone who struggles with change and adaptation in the workplace and is “stuck in their ways,“可能是时候(或过去的时间)考虑解雇了. 在一个不断变化的商业世界里, evolution on a professional level is critical to being an effective manager or executive. If you see a division pushing against the same problem again and again and failing to adjust, 这是一个明显的迹象,表明高层出了问题.


如果你的公司遭遇了高层管理的失败,你并不孤单. But the best way to guard against it is to have documented expectations and collaboratively developed goals for each executive that are evaluated frequently, 与高级管理团队的其他成员开诚布公地沟通.  Members of a governing board and experienced outside advisors can provide more objective feedback on the executive team — as well as the Chief Executive Officer.  在他们的帮助下, 你将有能力发现功能障碍并迅速采取行动, 早在问题玩家会给你的公司带来生存危机之前. 


汤姆施普林格 是否有超过20年的战略规划经验, 业务发展, 为私募股权公司提供临时管理和技术咨询bet9平台游戏, 投资组合公司以及公共和私营企业. Tom is skilled at growing enterprise value by creating highly productive sales and service teams, 开发新的业务线,培养客户关系. He is known for solving complex business problems by aligning technology with business and operations.

你可以通过电话联系汤姆 (电子邮件保护).

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